In recent years, more and more people are working from home or at least have the chance to work part time from the comfort of their homes. This type of arrangement is referred to as telecommuting. Not only is it convenient for most employees, but it is also a great way of cost cutting as you do not have to worry amount physical commuting every single day of the week. Employers also benefit from this greatly as they do not have to lease out large office spaces for their work force.
However, a common query that most people who work from home will have is whether they are eligible for workers compensation. Although there is no clear-cut yes or no answer, the most common answer is that you are potentially eligible for workers compensation MN.
Workers compensation is a program in place to ensure that employees who sustain an injury while they are on the job can get compensation that will cover their medical bills as well as any wages that they may lose due to being injured. As such, this should also be applicable no matter what your location is as long as you were tending to your official duties at the time of the injury. If you happen to sustain an injury while working for your employer and can prove this, then by all means you should file a claim for workers compensation MN benefits.
However, it is pertinent to note that this process may be a tad more difficult for employees that work from the comfort of their homes. This is largely because chances are you will not have your employer on site or at least a supervisor who can back up your claims of an injury. As such, people who work via telecommuting are advised to keep records detailing the work that they do as well as separating the time you spend working as well as your individual social time. However, there are also those employees that are telecommuting but will still need to meet with clients and entertain them, and this can prove to be quite a thin line between individual social hours and work hours.
Take a salesperson for instance. For these workers, meeting with clients and entertaining them is a large part of their job whether they are telecommuting or not. Either way these workers have to build a relationship with their clients and this is typically outside the confines of the home. If a salesperson is to take clients out for dinner and has the misfortune of getting into a car accident after finalizing the deal while they are on their way back to the office, chances are they will be eligible for workers compensation as they were on official duty.
If you would like to learn more on whether you qualify for workers compensation in MN as you work from home, visit
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